Ants in My Pants, and Different Animal Conundrums

I have a bug in my mug.

I’ve electrical eels in my excessive heels.

I’ve a giraffe in my carafe.

I shouldn’t have purchased a zoo.

I’ve a snake in my milkshake.

I’ve a koala bear in my underwear.

That Matt Damon documentary made it look straightforward.

I’ve a parrot holding a carrot.

I’ve a puffin consuming my muffin.

I shouldn’t have constructed the zoo in my condominium.

I’ve a hen in my den.

I’ve a hawk in my caulk.

Does IKEA promote an aviary?

I’ve an asp on my hair clasp.

I’ve a bobcat on my bathmat.

I believe this may occasionally have affected the resale worth of my condominium.

I’ve an ox destroying my Xbox.

I’ve a moose on the free.

I haven’t slept in seventy-nine hours. Do cockatoos normally look this blurry?

I’ve a kangaroo carrying my shoe, and my socks, and my greatest go well with. He’s utilizing my social safety quantity to use for a financial institution mortgage.

I’ve an otter listening to the police blotter. She provides a thumbs as much as the others.

Am I the zookeeper or the zookept?

I’ve a crane swinging a motorcycle chain. He smiles at me. The hen has enamel.

I’ve a beaver holding my meat cleaver. He’s nodding on the walrus, saying “It’s time.”

I’ve a zoo in my condominium.

I’m in a zoo in my condominium.

I’m…I’m so itchy…oh.

I’ve ants in my pants.



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