Citizen Kane is a film of maximum complexity. The cinematographic method is complicated: these dangerous digital camera actions that very quickly go from a basic shot to a close-up one hitting the face of the actors, who thus undergo steady concussions, and forcing make-up artists to make use of giant doses of make-up to cover the bruises. But additionally the plot is complicated: the standard sledder who by some means manages to turn out to be a newspaper mogul after which fall in love with a cauliflower however retains it a secret for concern of being branded as eccentric. Complexity extends even to the praiseworthy work of the hairstylists who, in a burst of creativity, adopted the coiffure of the French aristocracy of the 1780s to create refined ‘pompadours’ for each one of many characters. The upper the character’s social standing, the extra tall and voluminous his coiffure is. And since Charles Foster Kane’s social standing progresses all through the movie, the stylists added accordingly an increasing number of vertical quantity to his coiffure, reaching a second when the peak of the coiffure is of such magnitude that it finally ends up crushing the protagonist beneath its weight, inflicting him instant dying. 

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