Amchoor Chutney –

Indian Appetizer






½ cup jaggery* or darkish brown sugar

¼ cup amchoor powder** or tamarind powder or citric acid powder

¼ chili powder

¼ teaspoon ginger powder

¾ teaspoon roasted cumin powder* or cumin powder

1 teaspoon black salt* or salt

½ cup water


* = Accessible in Asian supermarkets or on line.

** = Accessible in Asian supermarkets or on line. Amchoor powder is powdered mango. Mango is a fruit. Fruits are essential to chutney. So, please attempt to discover amchoor, or amchur, powder.


Makes ½ cup. Takes 20 minutes.




Add all substances however water to small mixing bowl. Combine with fork or whisk till effectively blended. Add this combination and water to pan. Deliver to boil utilizing medium-high warmth. Stir continuously. Take away from warmth and let cool to room temperature.


This chutney goes effectively with curries, cheese, lamb, and poultry. Amchoor chutney additionally makes an excellent sandwich and even is tasty simply by itself. It’s fairly versatile.




1) On December 31, 2022, Ayansh “Armchair” Chandra grew to become, by far, the richest man on this planet with an estimated wealth of $1.3 trillion {dollars}.  He was instantly deluged with spam mail and calls from sons of Nigerian dictators and penny-stock, dessert-topping speculators.


2) How did he get to be so wealthy? Easy, the Worldwide Patent and Trademark Board (IPTB) mistakenly awarded him the above sum for violations of his armchair patents and trademark on the phrase “armchair.” Nonetheless, late on January 1, the IPTB realized its mistake and cancelled the award. A suitably chastened director, Pieter van Poffertje, commented, “Jeetje, that’s the final time we have now such an enormous New 12 months’s Eve social gathering.”


3) To atone for such a severe gaffe, the IPTB decreed for sooner or later to provide “Armchair” Chandra all  royalties derived from all amchoor chutneys offered in Antarctica. After all, the IPTB possesses no enforcement powers there, however Chandra appreciated the thought. And so, every little thing was settled.


– Paul De Lancey, The Comedian Chef, Ph.D.


Try my novel, the hilarious apocalyptic thriller, Do Lutheran Hunks Eat Mushrooms? It’s revealed by HumorOutcasts and is offered in paperback

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